So the dog had glaucoma in her right eye. She's young, 6ish. She couldn't see so we had it removed as the enlarged eyeball was painful. We did it at the
AMC and they actually offer a prosthetic for 55 dollars extra; considering the cost of the surgery, it was a bargain.
These are pre-op photos:

Below: The glass eye.
We're told that "blood vessels will start to grow into the cornea approximately 1 week after surgery. They will gradually move over the cornea and the eye will appear very red during this period. The final result will not be present for several months." Poor Zuzu :(

Did you see Dr. Aquino at the AMC? She took care of one of my rescue cats' eyes and was very good. Sending healing thoughts Zuzu's way!
Thanks, Lisa.
It was actually Dr. van der Woerdt, but I did meet Dr. Aquino during one of the initial visits. Overall I had a pretty good experience except for the prices for parking in their facility. At their prices, parking should be free, or at least reasonable.
I really enjoyed seeing the frog the young lady in front of me had. The frog had apparently eaten a rock that was too big and he had to have it removed (I left my camera at home; a rarity and I apologize).
Haha, a frog that at a rock that was too big. It still gets me.
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